April 05, 2006

Useless poetry

Useless Poetry
A flight of butterflies and
The eager eyes are after them.
No one can help praising them-
They have sky touching the earth,
Lips kissing a cheek,
A rising sun on one hand
And a setting one on another,
Silent waters on one hand
And waves on another.

A butterfly falls and
The eager eyes calm down.
A pair of eyes saddens,
Picks up the drooped rose
And waters it to life.
Another pair of similar eyes
Gets excited waiting
For the drooped rose to bloom.
"Be self dependent," they say,
"Lemme see what you do?"
Those eyes are of a poet
Without love for his subjects.
Thus makes he a poetry
Without love, without life,
Thus makes he a useless poetry.

Here I would like to present a good poetry on similar lines.

by Irfan

Poetry may falter in praise
may totter behind filth in scraps
appear suddenly in crumpled pea-pouches
or decide to place itself in heels of a boot-licker
and receive awards too many.

Good writing takes more than just time; it wants your best moments and the best of you.

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