July 15, 2005

Poems on Soldiers


There cannot be a better emotion than for your land.
Demarcate your land -
your home, your city, your state, or your country.
Where ever your draw the line,
you need to become a soldier for that land ...
- Anon.

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
- Nathan Hale.


Poems on Soldiers
(1) Dark complexioned
Scarred face-the experience;
Attentive eyes,
Gun towards the pass-way-the vigil;
A picture of a beautiful lady
In his pocket-the sacrifice;
The love
Towards her-the motivation;
Legs always at a start.
Crores who have faith in him
Behind him,
Him-the soldier.

Of thousands born on a land
One loves and leaves his love,
hates and forgets his hate,
smiles and learns not to smile again,
weeps and wipes away the tear,
To build up a strong emotion for his land,
A strong patriotism for his country.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! I really liked this one!

Anonymous said...

Really good poem..

Anonymous said...

Soldier's living life!