April 06, 2005

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. - Mark Twain



Wonder you may say to
The movement of the clouds, the blooming of flowers,
The rise of a wave and its fall.
-Be not a flower peeping out of its vesture
To behold beauty when itself stands much more beautiful.
Look at the most wonderous thing,
O teenager! Look at your beating heart;
A moment it glides with the favourite bird,
Next it beats on the lines of your best book,
It also stops at the texture of a flower,
But again and again returns
To the most lovely flower that never bloomed-
Whose eyes blink in the moonless nights,
Whose fair body lays in the blaze of afternoon sun,
Whose lips smile from within the red roses,
Whose hands tickle while a breeze blow away the locks,
And who embraces while Sleep is at work.
-She is the creation of all beauties on earth
But when you go to embrace her she's none.


Anonymous said...

Poem's good ,liked it but do move on, from the illusion

Anonymous said...

Lifelike Pictorial!

Anonymous said...

The day you stop dreaming, you stop living.