June 06, 2005

You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom - Malcolm X


The Freedom Lost

Having her sons call-'I love my India',
'Mera Bharat Mahan' and 'Vandey Maataram',
Mother woke up after a long five decades.
Her faith dived deep inside to search her God
While her spirit rose high towards the sky.
She shrieked more thundering than the thunder
For the contaminated molecules hurt her soul.
Again she shrieked on viewing her retired body.
How pale and stricken it lay! How old it had gone.
Innumerable outgrowths had her skin where germs abounded.
Still she cheered for the channels she possessed.
"Oh my body's glamour! How art thou infected."
Still she was happy on the respect given by Monsoon.
Again-"Oh my pure white Ganges! You've perished."
Yet she cheered because people still prayed in it.
But-"Oh where would I yawn and bathe!
I am again chained down, by invisible fetters.
Where should I live now." Vapours left hers eyes.
She dived back into her beating heart
Below the bosoms that stood as beautiful,
As bold and brave when she was young.

The world saw the spirit that had rose
But failed to look through that Mother
Whose soul had condensed in her heart.